How To Integrate Group Leads With Mailchimp

I assume you’ve done two things:

The next step you need to take is to integrate Group Leads with Mailchimp. Please, follow these steps:

1) Log into your Mailchimp account and then click on All Contacts.

Then click on Audience Name and Defaults.

2) You will be taken to the next page, where you can locate the Audience ID. 

Open a NotePad application (on windows) or Notes (on Mac), then copy the Audience ID as shown in the screenshot below.

3) Next, we need to create our tag name by heading over to the Tags menu and then clicking on Create tag.

I've named my tag: Group Member

4. Let's get the last credential sorted - API KEY.

Head over to the profile section as shown below.

Click on the Extras menu at the top of the next page and then click on API keys.
If you've created your API key, you will just need to copy and past it into your Notepad or Notes.

5) Now that you’ve gotten the required details. Let’s go plug it into Group Leads and verify the integration.

Click on the Group Lead icon at the top of your browser address bar. After which, you should click on the gear button in front of the Group name that you want to collect email addresses from. 

NB:- Select the Autoresponder as it applies to you.

Don't forget to Enable Autoresponder by toggling to the right as show below.

6) Then choose the autoresponder you want to integrate, in this case, Mailchimp. Now click on credentials.

7) Open the NotePad (on Windows) or Notes (on Mac) that you’ve inputted the collected details. Then place them as appropriate in the Group Leads dialog box.

After that, click Verify and Update.


You’ve correctly configured Mailchimp with your Group Leads account.

Each time you approve new members who want to join your group, you need to follow the instruction here so that your leads would always go into the spreadsheet you’ve set up and the emails would go into MailChimp autoresponder.

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