Why am I getting “You have to login in messenger.com with the same account” Error?

If you are getting a popup message like “You have to login in to messenger.com with the same account.” then please make sure you are logged in to messenger.com in your chrome browser.

Steps to check are you loggedIn in messenger.com (chrome browser).

Step #1: 

Make sure that you are logged in on messenger.com and facebook.com with the same account.

If Messenger.com redirects you to the messenger desktop app then, please go back to the messenger.com tab and click on the always option where it asks for ‘to use in browser for just once or always’ so that your Facebook messenger will use the chrome browser instead of a desktop app.

If you don't use the Messenger desktop app to interact with your contacts on Messenger, I will recommend you uninstall it from your computer.

Once you click on the always option it will open Facebook messenger in your chrome browser. Now Facebook Messenger is in sync with GroupLeads. 


When you try to send a message through Group Leads then it will open a big window instead of a small one. 

Please do not click anywhere when a message is being sent to someone because that big facebook messenger window should be focused while sending a message. 

After sending the message this window will be automatically closed.

Lastly, If you’re using the extension in incognito mode then you have to log in to Messenger.com in incognito mode as well.

I hope this helps.

Thank you.

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