How to Approve a Member Request and Send an Automated Welcome Message


Group Leads allows you to automatically send a welcome message via Facebook Messenger when you manually approve a new member into your Facebook group. Follow this guide to enable and configure this feature.


  • This feature works only when you manually click the red button to approve members into your Facebook group.
  • It does not work with automatic approval.
  • The welcome message can only be sent from your personal Facebook profile. It cannot be sent from your Facebook page.

Step 1: Enable Welcome Messaging

  1. Launch the Group Leads extension.
  2. Click on the Settings icon next to the group you are managing.

  3. Select the Autoresponder tab.
  4. Toggle ON the switch labeled "Enable Welcome Messaging."

Step 2: Configure Welcome Messaging Settings

After enabling the feature, a popup will appear where you can customize the settings:

  • Delay: Enter a number in the "Send message every minute(s)" field to set a delay between messages. This reduces the risk of account restrictions.
  • Limit: Define the maximum number of approved members who should receive the message by entering a value in the "Stop after I've sent" field.
  • Pause & Restart: Set a pause duration before resuming message sending by entering a value in the "Pause and start again after" field.

Step 3: Edit and Customize Welcome Message

  1. Click the three-dot icon next to the default welcome message.
  2. Edit the message to match your preference.
  3. To create multiple message variations, toggle ON "Randomize message."
  4. Click the plus (+) button to add and edit another message variant.
  5. Click Update to save your message settings.

Step 4: Approve a Member and Send a Welcome Message

  1. Go to the Member Requests page on your Facebook group.
  2. Scroll to the member you want to approve.
  3. Click the Approve and Send Message button.

The member will be approved, and they will receive your predefined welcome message via Facebook Messenger.

You're all set! 🎉

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